A Gentle Introduction to SQL
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A Gentle Introduction to SQL
Apache Web Server: PHP, MySQL, Perl, SSL - Windows 2000/XP, Linux - DeveloperSide.NET
Apache Web Server: PHP, MySQL, Perl, SSL - Windows 2000/XP, Linux - DeveloperSide.NET
Your source for in-depth server-side information. Updated Daily
Building a Web Server, a Step-by-Step Instruction Guide
Binary Install -- MySQL 4.0.20 for Windows 2000/XP
This MySQL package comes pre-built.
Home : http://www.mysql.com/
Package(win32 binary, non-installer version) : http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/4.0.html
Our Configuration
Install to :
Unpack as
Rename directory
Copy your choice of mysql\my-xxx.cnf (my-medium.cnf) to your %SYSTEMROOT% directory (C:\WINNT)
[note that .cnf file extensions are invisible, by default, on Windows 2000/XP]
Rename file %SYSTEMROOT%\my-xxx.cnf to my.ini
Edit %SYSTEMROOT%\my.ini
Edit and uncomment basedir =
Edit and uncomment datadir =
MySQL Server Binaries
MySQL comes with several server binaries to select from, each containing different feature sets.
mysqld.exe: Compiled with full debugging and automatic memory allocation checking, symbolic links, and InnoDB and BDB transactional tables.
mysqld-opt.exe: Optimised binary with InnoDB transactional tables.
mysqld-nt.exe: Optimised binary for NT/2000/XP with support for named pipes.
mysqld-max.exe: Optimised binary with support for symbolic links, and InnoDB and BDB transactional tables.
mysqld-max-nt.exe: Optimised binary for NT/2000/XP with support for symbolic links, InnoDB and BDB transactional tables, and named pipes.
MySQL can be installed as a Service or started as a Standalone Console.
Install the MySQL process as a Service.
[Default] Listen on all interfaces (, and start automatically after a reboot
Listen on all interfaces (, manual start only
Listen on loopback only (
Add bind-address= to section [mysqld] of my.ini
Don't allow connection with TCP/IP
Add skip-networking to section [mysqld] of my.ini
Enable support for named pipes
Add enable-named-pipe to section [mysqld] of my.ini
Start the MySQL Service.
Start MySQL as a Standalone Console.
[add --bind-address= and/or --log-warnings to the end]
Create a password for the 'root' mysql account...
Delete all insecure users...
Access the MySQL prompt...
[note that there is no space between '-p' and 'password', and that '<>' is not typed]
Display all accounts...
mysql> SELECT User, Host, Password FROM mysql.user;
Select the 'mysql' database...
mysql> USE mysql;
Delete all initial accounts, except 'root@localhost'...
mysql> DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User = '' OR Host = '%';
mysql> DELETE FROM mysql.db WHERE User = '';
mysql> quit;
Running MySQL
Enter the command-line interface.
[note that there is no space between '-p' and 'password', and that '<>' is not typed]
Shutdown the MySQL Service.
[note that there is no space between '-p' and 'password', and that '<>' is not typed]
Uninstall the MySQL Service.
Shutdown the Standalone Console MySQL process.
Ctrl-C under the cmd.exe windows it was started from
Display the command-line interface options.
Display mysql-max-nt options.
Display MySQL version information.
See what values a running MySQL server is using.
Display information.
Log non-critical warnings to the log file.
Standalone Console : Add --log-warnings to the MySQL standalone console line
Service : Add log-warnings to section [mysqld] of my.ini
Computer Security Books - /database-security/ books
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