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Java Tip 42%3A Write Java apps that work with proxy-based firewalls
Java Tip 42%3A Write Java apps that work with proxy-based firewalls: "System.getProperties%28%29.put%28 %22proxySet%22%2C %22true%22 %29%3B"
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%5BReal%27s JAVA JAVASCRIPT PB and WSH How-to%5D
Un montón de trucos y trozos de código para resolver pequeñas dudas sobre Java, Javascript, etc.:
%5BReal%27s JAVA JAVASCRIPT PB and WSH How-to%5D
Thin-Client Framework (IBM)
Thin Client Framework is a design, development, and deployment approach for easily and rapidly developing high-function, extendable, and responsive e-business clients in Java. Thin Client Framework builds on the Model-View-Controller and Swing design patterns and raises it to the application architecture level. Through consistent application of an event model, it provides a highly pluggable and componentized structure for client development. The learning curve is reduced, development skills are easily partitioned, and cost estimation is simplified.
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SIG Oleícola España
Planos a vista de satélite de españa: SIG Oleícola España