DSG Distributed Systems Group:
They activities focus on:
- Grid architectures for QoS aware content distribution in the University community
[see the IBM Faculty Award project page]
- Multimedia Streaming in Wired and Wireless Networks
- Service-Oriented P2P Architecture [see also the FIRB Web Minds page]
- Parallel and Distributed Processing
[many projects]
Using the XML HTTP Request object
Using the XML HTTP Request object: "Using the XML HTTP Request object"
Java HotSpot VM Options
Java HotSpot VM Options: "JavaTM HotSpot VM Options"
Sobre Patterns for Concurrent, Parallel, and Distributed Systems
HTMLWeb - Articulos sobre Seguridad Informatica, Criptografia, Criptoanalisis, SSL, SET, DES, RSA, PGP, encriptacion, cifrado simetrico, cifrado asime
HTMLWeb - Articulos sobre Seguridad Informatica, Criptografia, Criptoanalisis, SSL, SET, DES, RSA, PGP, encriptacion, cifrado simetrico, cifrado asimetrico, funciones hash, firma digital, Certificados Digitales
Más artículos en la home: HTMLWEB